
Development and research progress of new surfactants

Publish Time: 2024-01-18
Surfactants are widely used in various industries. With the continuous development of science and technology, the development and research of new surfactants are also continuing to advance.
The development of new surfactants focuses on improving performance, reducing environmental impact and meeting specific application needs. For example, biodegradable surfactants are developed based on biodegradable raw materials to reduce the burden on the environment; or new surfactants with high surface activity and low critical micelle concentration are developed to improve washing, wetting, emulsification and other effects.
At the same time, in response to the shortcomings of traditional surfactants, such as irritation, poor biodegradability and ecotoxicity, researchers are committed to developing new surfactants that are safer and more environmentally friendly. For example, new cationic surfactants, zwitterionic surfactants and anionic surfactants, etc.
In addition, the design of new surfactants also tends to be multi-functional to meet various complex industrial needs. For example, surfactants have both excellent washing performance and good antibacterial, antistatic and other functions.
In general, the development and research of new surfactants is progressing rapidly. With the continuous breakthroughs in scientific research and technology, more high-performance, environmentally friendly new surfactants will be released in the future, providing strong support for the development of various industries.

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